P.K. Williams (1939-2021)

Friends and colleagues in Tallahassee mourn the passing of PK in the Washington DC area on January 19, 2021. He was born on November 16, 1939 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He obtained his Bachelor Degree from Rice University, PhD from Indiana University, then Post Doc at Michigan University and in 1967 he came to Tallahassee as a Physics faculty member. In 1979 he went to work for the Department of Energy, Division of High Energy Physics located near Washington DC. He was the head of the University program until he retired several years ago. His wife of 52 years, Sammye, three sons and many grandchildren survive him.

At FSU he was best known for explaining pion physics (pi-pi scattering) with absorption called the Williams Model. In DOE he led the about the $ 100 million a year University program and headed various other DOE High Energy programs. More can be read in his obituary in Washington Post https://legcy.co/2Y5DoTa.

- Vasken Hagopian (Jan. 2021)

Created Jan. 26, 2021 - TA, modified Jan. 26, 2021 - TA