Class Schedule
PHZ-4601/5606 Special and General Theories of Relativity A
Fall 2016

week Material Comments
8/29 - 9/2 Chapters 1 and 2 Introduction to Special Relativity
9/7 - 9/9 Chapter 2 SR - basics
9/12 - 9/16 Chapter 3 SR - geometric formulation
9/19 - 9/23 Chapter 4 Principle of Equivalence
9/26 - 9/30 Chapter 5 Metric description of curved space
10/3 - 10/7 Chapter 6 GR as a geometric theory of gravity - I
10/10 - 10/14 Chapter 7 Spherically symmetric spacetime-Midterm 10/14
10/17 - 10/21 Review exam, start Chapter 8 Black Holes
10/24 - 10/28 Finish Chapter 8 Black Holes
10/31 - 11/4 Chapter 12 Tensors in SR
11/7 - 11/9 Chapter 13 Tensors in GR
11/14 - 11/18 Chapter 13, 14 Tensors in GR, GR as a geometric theory of gravity
11/21 Chapters 14 GR as a geometric theory of gravity
11/28 - 12/2 Chapter 15 Gravity waves
12/5 - 12/9 Chapters 9-11 Applications in cosmology

This is an ambitious and approximate schedule which will be modified as needed throughout the semester.

Final Exam - Thursday December 15, 2016, 10:00am - 12:00 pm