f1 pi- Monte Carlo generation and processing

Short version

  1. Generate "enough" SAGE events as defined in long version.

  2. Apply f1 cut to SAGE events. Use program f1cut.

  3. Convert SAGE events to itape with ESR_NPARTICLE filled. Use program ndsageToItape. This is the generated monte carlo for PWA.

  4. Apply a gamma acceptance cut requiring the gammas to hit on or near the lgd. Use program cutGen.

  5. Divide the outputs of cutGen into smaller sets for running through GEANT. Files of 10,000 events or so is the current recommendation.

  6. Process the data through GEANT.

  7. Patch the GEANT output and apply the monte carlo trigger simulator. Use program patchMC.

  8. Analyze these files. Use a1pro.

  9. Skim these files. Use program skimmer.

  10. Reclusterize with a "good" algorithm.

  11. Fit the data and apply preliminary cuts. Use program skimfit.

  12. Apply data cuts to monte carlo. Use program NDWrite. This gives the accepted monte carlo for the PWA.

Program execution

These are the command lines used to execute each step.

  1. ./sagepf1pi < pf1pi.d > & sage2.out

  2. /hybusr/todd/e852/source/sage/irix5/cutf1 -opf1pi_cutNN.sge < pf1pi_NN.sge

  3. ndsageToItape -opf1pi_itapeNN.sge -SXXXX -Tf1pi < pf1pi_cutNN.sge

  4. cutGen -opf1pi_cutgenNN.sge -N < pf1pi_itapeNN.sge

  5. /hybusr/todd/e852/source/sage/irix5/parseitape -opf1pi_cutgenNN.sge -m8000 < pf1pi_cutgenNN.sge

  6. geant < mc7000_NN.MM >& geantNNMM.out &

  7. patchMC -c2 -g -l0x11 -m10000 -opf1pi_NN.patch -r -T pf1pi_NN_MM1.mcdat pf1pi_NN_MM2.mcdat ...

  8. ~e852/bin.rs6000.pro/a1pro -d0xe -s1 -W -opf1pi_NN.a1 < pf1pi_NN.patch >& a1.out or use Dispatcher system

  9. skimmer -opf1pi_NN.skim -N < pf1pi_NN.a1

  10. ???

  11. /hybusr/todd/e852/rs6000/source/skim/skimfit/skimfit -k1 -opf1pi_NN.fit -f1 2 -f2 2 -f3 10 < pf1pi_NN.rea1

  12. /hybusr/todd/e852/source/CsI/rs6000/NDWrite -opf1pi_NN.dat -s1 ???

Queue usage on rs6000s

The commands useful for using the unix queue system for running jobs are:

qprt -Pbsh script (submit a script to the bsh queue)

lpq -Pbsh (list the jobs in the bsh queue)

lprm ### (remove job ### from the queue)

The script I used to start my GEANT job looked like:

cd /k3dat/e852/adams/mc/kaon
/usr/bin/nice /hybusr/todd/e852/source/sccs/geant/rs6000/geant < /k3dat/e852/adams/mc/kaon/mc7000.dat