The Coordinated Theoretical-Experimental Project on QCD


The CTEQ List of Challenges in Perturbative QCD

Welcome to the CTEQ List of Challenges in Perturbative QCD! Although QCD has successfully passed many tests, there are still areas where there are problems when comparing theory and experiment or where additional data or calculations are needed. Here is our current list of Challenges in Perturbative QCD. This is expected to be a dynamic list, so check back often. It is expected that existing entries will be periodically updated and that new entries will be added.

1. Direct photon production
2. Heavy quark production cross sections
3. Jet cross sections and xt scaling
4. Determining the gluon distribution
5. Large-x behavior of parton distributions
6. Determining the flavor dependence of pdf's
7. Extracting Charged and Neutral Current Cross Sections